Our skin is affected by our emotions, health and the environment. To keep skin healthy and beautiful internal and external needs care. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘Proteins’
Factors for beautiful skin
Preventing wrinkles: it is possible
The advancing age lines without fail. Here are weapons to fight them.
When the movement of facial muscles is excessive under the skin and form small holes on the outside are visible as sharp lines and sharp, so they appear much-dreaded wrinkles.
It is inevitable environmental and stop the passage of time affecting the skin. Wrinkles and lines are more apparent in parts of the body exposed to the sun such as: Read the rest of this entry »
New method to stop the passage of time?
The maintenance of body and beauty are increasingly rooted in our society. It seems that these issues loom large in the interest of many people, each day a little more concerned about looking good and staying healthy, sometimes to unhealthy levels (ironic, huh?).
The problem is that it has created an unhealthy obsession about body care , which leads many people to risk their physical integrity to achieve the kind of physical than social established canon as “beautiful” or ” Fashion. Read the rest of this entry »