All of us, especially readers Skinerrors, we have made clear that smoking harms health. If you know that smoking causes lung cancer, diseases of the circulatory system and respiratory system, impotence, loss of fertility and a long list of damage does not reach you to leave the bad habit, here we have more negative effects of smoking to get it raise again. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘psoriasis’
The cigarette, a great enemy of beauty
Flushed: Causes and treatments
The skin is reddened by several factors. The redness may be temporary and in most cases goes away without problems, but in other cases requires paying attention.
The skin may turn red when irritated, burning, when there are any allergies or reactions to products. Also red for certain situations such as: to feel embarrassed, angry, excited, or through some sort of strong emotion, the redness is sudden and takes only seconds or minutes. Read the rest of this entry »
Psoriasis: Tips to “soften” its effects
Psoriasis is a common disease, is chronic and is characterized by the presence of papules and plaques well defined dry. Mainly affects the white population, and can develop at any age. Read the rest of this entry »
Psoriasis linked to heart disease and cancer
A common and treatable disease such as psoriasis can lead to serious health problems; this is what a new study presented at the United States. According to new research, people with psoriasis are more prone to heart attacks. Read the rest of this entry »
Stress is reflected in the skin
Stress is the body’s natural response to situations that threaten it that affects the emotional and physical. It is a way to keep alert to the body. Although stress has a positive role in humans, which is to create a state of attention and prompt response to adversity, to experience a sustained and intense Read the rest of this entry »
We live with more than 200 different types of bacteria on our skin
A study published in the prestigious journal Science has revealed the approximate amount of the various bacteria that live together in our epidermis. The investigation revealed that 205 bacteria would be in our skin, an amount somewhat greater than expected by specialists.
The research was conducted with 10 people, taking Read the rest of this entry »
Stress is the Enemy of Beauty
Stress is normal and common but it is also the cause of many conflicts, both emotional, psychological, and your figure and skin. Stress is one of the greatest enemies of beauty.
Stress and Beauty
Stress affects the skin and hair at the time because Read the rest of this entry »
Banana good for the care of skin
The banana has been relatively frowned upon in many parts of the world due to consider a common fruit and high in calories, but the really interesting are all properties of banana in the field of health (improving hypertension, gout, rheumatic diseases, anemias, digestion, etc.)..
In relation to beauty tips, the trend is pointing toward the natural, and in this case the banana can be a useful alternative. In fact, the property of the banana skin is remarkable, and to catch up we will review them.
The shell and the same banana contain antioxidants that can regenerate the skin applied and to minimize and eliminate certain conditions, among the most important are mentioned:
Psoriasis Read the rest of this entry »
Home Remedy for Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin ailment, whose cells are multiplied a thousand times faster than they should, cause of flaking of the epidermis. It is customary to occur on the scalp, behind the ears, neck, elbows, knees and nails.
It is characterized by:
Frequent episodes can degeneration and decrease. To alleviate this condition if you try some natural remedies, like this: Read the rest of this entry »
Psoriasis: A Chronic Skin Disease
Psoriasis is a skin disease; chronic, characterized by the appearance of areas of reddish inflammation of a species are covered with silvery scales, bright, arising mainly in the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back.
Evolves in outbreaks, with periods of exacerbation alternating with Read the rest of this entry »