The photo facials have several names. Basically it is a treatment that uses pulsed light (IPL or LED in English or laser) to improve skin texture, improve blemishes, scars, redness, fine lines, wrinkles, rejuvenate and others. Continue down. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘redness’
Photo facial or IPL treatment
Skin allergies
Skin allergies are common and can be difficult to identify. The skin is constantly exposed and directly to the environment and this makes it vulnerable to allergies that manifest in many ways. Continue down. Read the rest of this entry »
Vitamin C Face
The vitamin C is very important for health, and currently, have also highlighted its cosmetic properties, since thanks to its components has the ability to enhance the beauty of the skin of the face, and avoid complications such as acne, blemishes, redness, lines, etc .. So today we explain how vitamin C for the face. Read the rest of this entry »
Natural masks for the face
With simple ingredients you find in your kitchen you can nourish, cleanse and moisturize your skin with good results.
Facial masks are used to exfoliate, moisturize and relax the face. There are many ways to prepare at home with basic ingredients that we all have, so no excuses not to start today with these beauty treatments. Read the rest of this entry »
Serums, How To Use Them?
The serums are lotions with a high concentration of active ingredients that enhance the fighting skin problems such as dehydration, aging, redness…
They are usually aqueous formulas that quickly absoven and more concentrated than usual creams. Recommended for all skin types, including fat, since, as have a smooth texture offers a refreshing sensation. Read the rest of this entry »
Caring for Sensitive Skin
Fragile-looking, uneven texture, and prone to dryness and submit changes (such as pimples, redness, broken capillaries and desquamation), sensitive skin is more prone to react to numerous stimuli.
Among the main causes of this skin type can include genetic predisposition, internal factors (such as poor diet or stress) and external factors (pollution, medications, beauty treatments, etc.) Read the rest of this entry »
Skin Allergies – A Chronic Disease
A person with allergies has increased sensitivity to specific substances also known as allergens. According to the National Institutes of more than fifty million people in the United States suffer from allergies each year. Allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic disease in the United States. Read the rest of this entry »
Banana good for the care of skin
The banana has been relatively frowned upon in many parts of the world due to consider a common fruit and high in calories, but the really interesting are all properties of banana in the field of health (improving hypertension, gout, rheumatic diseases, anemias, digestion, etc.)..
In relation to beauty tips, the trend is pointing toward the natural, and in this case the banana can be a useful alternative. In fact, the property of the banana skin is remarkable, and to catch up we will review them.
The shell and the same banana contain antioxidants that can regenerate the skin applied and to minimize and eliminate certain conditions, among the most important are mentioned:
Psoriasis Read the rest of this entry »
The best gift for sensitive skin!
Many women are familiar with such feelings as dryness, redness and skin irritation. All these are signs of sensitive skin. Numerous studies show that owners of such skin are more than 40 % of women aged 15 to 60 years.
The main causes of skin sensitivity are the environmental factors – sun, wind, humidity and Read the rest of this entry »
Impetigo: Caused By Bacteria
Impetigo is a disease that affects the skin, is caused by bacteria and is highly contagious and is also known as pyoderma and is a skin disease, infectious, highly contagious disease that is caused by different types of bacteria, streptococcus or group staphylococci. These bacteria commonly live on the skin and nose, but when there are small penetrating injuries causing an infection. Read the rest of this entry »