We all know that acne, no matter what our age, it is usually be quite frustrating, conditions in many aspects of our daily lives and creating us some complex sometimes we retreat into our relationships with others, especially if these attacks on our We leave skin marks and scars. Therefore, since we begin to perceive the acne should start as soon as possible with proper treatment and not wait to prove irreparable side effects that may cause us later. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘scars’
Some tips to stop acne and prevent scarring
Homemade Scrub for Dry Skin
One of our favorite recipes, a simple and effective Home Dry Skin Scrub, not wants to miss.
Your benefits: Remove dead skin cells so moisture can penetrate, in addition to moisturize, protect and heal the scars and acne. Not bad! Read the rest of this entry »
Questions about the shield (blocking) solar
Arguably the sun damages the skin. To protect some of the negative effects of the sun we have the guards, filters or sunscreens.
This time we share with you some questions we’ve received on these the use of these products in the face. Read the rest of this entry »
Aspirin for the face
Aspirin is a close relative of salicylic acid, widely used in the treatment of acne and for being an acid can help some skin conditions. Read the rest of this entry »
Photo facial or IPL treatment
The photo facials have several names. Basically it is a treatment that uses pulsed light (IPL or LED in English or laser) to improve skin texture, improve blemishes, scars, redness, fine lines, wrinkles, rejuvenate and others. Continue down. Read the rest of this entry »
Correction of scars
The scars are common and most people have them. There are several ways to improve and sometimes can be removed.
Eliminating or scar fading
The body eliminates most of the scars, but some remain and these few can be erased completely. But you can improve your appearance; the bigger, strong and old scar is more difficult to eliminate it so it is best to treat it as soon as possible.
Factors affecting the removal of scars include: the origin of it, its severity, the body’s ability to heal and the methods used to improve or eliminate. Read the rest of this entry »
Homemade scars to fade away
There are many creams to fade the scars, and many are prescribed by doctors. If your doctor allows, combine cream that was prescribed with this recipe. And if your scar is not led you to the doctor, apply this recipe without worry.
Three apples Read the rest of this entry »
How Do I Clear Hypertrophic Scars
Hypertrophic scars are often confused with keloids, since both have to be thick, red and elevated. However, it is unusual to see a scar from this type improve on their own, although this process will take a year or more, or require the help of steroid injections.
If treatment does not act effectively moderate, hypertrophic scars usually manage to be improved surgically. The plastic surgeon removes the scar and closes the incision to heal with a pattern less Read the rest of this entry »
Household Tips For Removing Scars
Whether the product of some accident of any surgical intervention many of us have seen as a scar on our skin gets transformed into a scar, especially if not properly cared for.
When we have an open wound is elemental to keep away from sunlight, making proper cleaning and try not to wet it until it begins to close, so keep us leave a scar, however, if it is too late to take precautions and our intention is to remove any marks we got to try the following recipes: Read the rest of this entry »
Skin changes or Skin disorders
Our skin, being in contact with the outside, is subjected to attacks that change their appearance. Also internal derangement of the individual is going to manifest on the skin as this is an organ closely related to the rest of the body.
The factors causing these skin changes can be many: Read the rest of this entry »