Your skin is an organ highly sensitive to everything you do, for something is the largest organ in the human body. Everything we do or fail to do affects the same, therefore there are many ways to look after her and harm her. But, as in Makeufits we care about what is best for your health, today we’ll show you some things that are good for your skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘skin aging’
6 things that is good for the skin
In the summer protects the skin
Internal and external aging
You know most of what we call skin aging is nothing more than sun damage.
According to dermatologists, there are two causes or types of aging: intrinsic (internal) and extrinsic (external causes). The internal aging is mostly a result of our genetic heritage and we have no control over it. But the major cause of aging is external and we have some control over this. Read the rest of this entry »
Sun exposure ages your skin
Do you have attractive tan over the summer? Well, you should know that sun exposure ages your skin, as ultraviolet rays are responsible for the tanning of the skin but also because they are aging that impact deeper, reaching into the dermis and damage the elastic fibers and collagen, causing sagging and wrinkles. Read the rest of this entry »
Premature skin aging
What is it?
Premature aging is driven by a cluster of attacks that damage our bodies ahead of schedule. They can be internal factors, external conditions, or genetic-that is, poor eating habits, use of snuff , stress, pollution or excessive exposure to sun-, (link to photoprotection according to skin type) but the result is the same: a clear wear our body that may be visible in facial features or skin. Sever the face, neck, décolleté and hands are the parts that are most affected because they are unprotected throughout the year. Read the rest of this entry »
Enjoy all the benefits of green tea
The green tea is fashionable. Today they have rediscovered their nutritional properties, is sold as a filter, in bottles just like the energizer and natural presentation, and the demand grows. And the herb itself has many nutritional benefits, though, as long as you take it in moderation.
Among its properties, green tea is good as a diuretic. In fact, drink it helps eliminate fluids from the body, thereby not only be free of impurities and toxins, but losing weight and burning fat. Also Read the rest of this entry »
Glycolic Acid For Skin Aging
Our skin care is increasingly investigated and the results of these investigations have yielded the cosmetics market focused on a new series of health central to any treatment components seeking to recover the freshness of the skin through exfoliation.
One of the best known in recent times has been glycolic acid, which researchers say is the only safe giving us a comprehensive solution to the recovery of aged skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Clean The Pores Of The Face
The trick to good skin is to clean the pores of the face to be as strong as possible. Thus, our faces will glitter, the first will be less wrinkled and glowing tone will also prevent pimples and blackheads.
We show you the keys to discuss these pores free of dirt. The intercepted by the soil pores are not characteristic of adolescent’s heritage, but also is Read the rest of this entry »
Skin Aging Increases Risk of Skin Diseases
The skins of the elderly suffer more because they are weak and susceptible to not being maintained in adulthood. Preventive measures, the use of specific products and regular visits to the dermatologist reduce the risk of skin problems.
Too much sun and obsolescence of protective creams in adulthood lead to increased wrinkles and a Read the rest of this entry »
Dealing with sensitive skin (I)
Most women have experienced at some point certain characteristic symptoms of sensitive skin redness, itching, swelling, or peeling. It may be a passing episode or a permanent condition, whatever the cause, not only can cause skin disorders but premature skin aging and can be more vulnerable to allergies. Read the rest of this entry »