While the entire southern hemisphere, the heat begins to grow, in the rest of the world the weather gets colder and colder, making the first symptoms of skin conditions such as dryness, burns cold and cracked. These signals are made especially uncomfortable when placed on the lips and cheeks, which are the most sensitive to cold weather.
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Posts Tagged ‘skin care’
Winter Care For Your Skin
Skin Care For 40 To 50 Years
Every decade leaves its mark on the skin, many of them spoil the good appearance of our skin. Therefore, we know the age-specific care, to prevent and combat signs of aging that will appear over time.
From 40 and up to 50 years, one of the biggest problems of the skin is dehydration, because the skin begins to have greater difficulty retaining water. In Read the rest of this entry »
Instant Beauty: No Time, No Problem
When there is no time to act fast. When emergencies beauty and creativity are a few tips is all you need to see you pretty.
Instant facial
Express Manicure
Express Pedicure
Hair Express
Exercise Express Read the rest of this entry »
Young Skin Care
From 20 to 30 years, we are at the stage of life where our skin has a fresh and bright. Thus began the period in which we prevent wrinkles, age spots, sagging, etc. that may occur in the future, with a good cleansing ritual.
Despite the passage of time inevitably leaves traces on the skin of the face, if you exfoliate, cleanse, Read the rest of this entry »
Healthy Skin Needs Proper Cleaning
Is the basic principle of healthy skin: cleansing. If we do not keep our skin free of impurities, we never get the good look skin. See some of the keys on facial cleanliness. Takes note of their advice.
It should start to clean…
We can not speak of a certain age and every skin is Read the rest of this entry »
Anti-acne 5 tips
In a previous article we talked about a homemade recipe against black spots, now we’ll see 5 basic tips to combat all types of grain that may arise in your face, whether the typical acne blemishes such as pimples or blackheads.
Let’s see those things because you have to do and not: Read the rest of this entry »
Home Remedy For Blackheads Or Pimples
Who else who least all we have discovered a horror day with an ugly black spot on our face. Inevitably, the first reaction is to press with fingers to remove it yet that will only worsen the situation. Definitely you should never remove that.
There are hundreds of products on the market for treatments for blackheads exfoliating creams to masks from natural products, there are cheap Read the rest of this entry »
Homemade Masks According To Your Skin
Many times we have spoken from this site of the importance of protecting the skin from our faces since it is the one that suffers most from the attacks of the sun and pollution.
Today I offer 4 masks for use according to skin type and needs of each one; they are also quite economical and home.
- Nourishing Mask: For dry skin. Preparation: Mix 1 Read the rest of this entry »
Homemade Recipes With Eggs
Each of us knows the benefits of the egg in matters of beauty, because its components are rich in vitamins. For this reason there are a countless amount of homemade recipes that point to the beauty of your skin, hair and even your eyes, which are prepared on the basis to eggs. Read the rest of this entry »
Women Smokers More Prone To Acne
Besides all the known problems such as respiratory, cancer and others, the addiction to snuff can cause various skin diseases. As shown by a study revealed that over 40% of people tested who consumed cigarettes every day developed the disease.
The study published by the British Journal of Dermatology London. Stressed City smoking can cause acne in women. The research, conducted by a team of Italian scientists Read the rest of this entry »