Sure you’ve always wanted to be good looking and the first thing you notice is the state of your skin. To know that you have to apply products to moisturize your skin or makeup, you must first know your skin type. Once you know what type of skin you have, you know that you can apply treatments to keep it as nice as possible and thus the envy of the world. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘skin care’
I know my skin type
Caring for oily skin
In general dermatologists have broken the skin of our face into three types: dry, oily and mixed, the latter is one that combines dry skin and fat in some areas in others, the area of greatest oiliness is often known as the area T. The oily complexion is often difficult to care, becoming a problem for many women, especially in the hottest days of the year, if you’re one of them then here are some good tips for you to know how to care for oily skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Facial Rejuvenation: The Best Anti-Aging Face Creams
Face creams. Many face creams that one can choose. You are not alone; thousands of people every day face this problem of not knowing what face cream to use because there are so many to choose from. Today we will see to look at the best face creams for aging skin. Read the rest of this entry »
The Auto Bronzer and Sunless Tanning
The Self-tanning. The Tanning Salons for tanning cause skin damage that can accumulate over the years, making your skin look more and more susceptible to skin cancer. A healthier alternative is the self tanner. Read the rest of this entry »
How to Get Rid of Wrinkles in an Early Stage
Getting rid of wrinkles. When you are in their mid twenties, which would likely have signs of premature aging. If you noticed, there are small changes in your face, such as lines, spots and broken blood vessels. Then you need these simple steps to keep your skin beautiful and young. Read the rest of this entry »
Before treatment knowing your skin type
Whether in a spa, a beauty salon or in the comfort of your home, it is important to understand what your skin type. This way you can avoid allergies and other problems arising from the misuse of the various products for skin care. Read the rest of this entry »
Oils Against Aging Skin: Discover the best way to deal with the aging of the skin
Oils facing the aging of the skin
When the essential oil is used as part of a prescription against aging skin, these essential oils not only smell good (who does not love vanilla or lavender), while working to diminish the appearance of wrinkles and stubborn lines fine.
There are 4 essential oils in this recipe to deal with the aging of the skin: rose, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood and musk rose oil. Read the rest of this entry »
How to Remove the Brown Spots on Side
The brown spots on the face are a common problem.
Remedies to Remove Brown Spots on Face.
So many people have this problem; you have come to the right place to find information to solve this problem.
An ancient remedy for eliminating brown spots is the mixture of one part fresh lemon juice with 2 parts aloe vera gel, this mixture is applied to brown spots with a cotton ball. If you add glycerol would be excellent. O can be mixed with moisturizer and apply to the points. Read the rest of this entry »
Home Remedies for Dark Spots on Face
Discover the best home remedies to remove dark spots on the face.
Home remedies for dark spots on face
The dark spots on the face can be effectively diminished with the use of these commonly used remedies based on common ingredients such as milk or citrus.
Home Remedies For Facial Dark Spots – How to get rid of dark spots and quickly accessible. Read the rest of this entry »
6 things that is good for the skin
Your skin is an organ highly sensitive to everything you do, for something is the largest organ in the human body. Everything we do or fail to do affects the same, therefore there are many ways to look after her and harm her. But, as in Makeufits we care about what is best for your health, today we’ll show you some things that are good for your skin. Read the rest of this entry »