They say the teen acne is a condition, but the truth is that it also occurs in adults. In fact, say one in five adults, especially women, suffer from those annoying bumps, pimples and blackheads on the face, chest and back. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘skin care’
Acne in adults
Is there an allergy to water?
Yes, believe it or not some people who are allergic to water. Water is an essential element in human life: the existence of oceans, seas and rivers makes it possible to live on earth. In fact, water is the most important component of the human body, constituting two thirds of it. Read the rest of this entry »
How to get rid of stretch marks
The streaks may appear in the body of a woman or a man at any point in their lives and do not disappear over time, annoying and looking terrible, they were never seems to disappear. Appear frequently in places like buttocks, stomach, legs and even the breasts of women. Read the rest of this entry »
Sun exposure ages your skin
Do you have attractive tan over the summer? Well, you should know that sun exposure ages your skin, as ultraviolet rays are responsible for the tanning of the skin but also because they are aging that impact deeper, reaching into the dermis and damage the elastic fibers and collagen, causing sagging and wrinkles. Read the rest of this entry »
Aging habits
The passage of time can not be stopped, but slow … or expedited. There are a few ordinary habits which, believe it or not, you add many more years than you have. For example, did not sleep well accelerate aging? Or that drinking sherbet often favors the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth? Read the rest of this entry »
Smoking accelerates aging
Do not spend more money on moisturizers, or follow wasting time with natural facial masks for skin care because if you smoke, your efforts to prevent aging lose meaning. Read the rest of this entry »
I did not know about aging
Does stress cause graying? Are more expensive antiaging creams are best? Should we sleep on their backs to avoid wrinkles on your face? These and many more questions abound regarding the process of aging.
Like I always say in here, the passage of time can not be stopped but slow. Get ready to face knowing what to tell you continuation it may be that there are many things you did not know about aging. Read the rest of this entry »
Tips for healthy armpits
Moisture in the armpits preponderance favors the appearance of bacteria and fungi’s. Why we offer here a series of tips for healthy armpits, a fundamental part of good hygiene. Read the rest of this entry »
Oatmeal Mask for Acne
Tired of fighting pimples on your face? Tired as drug testing in the market but not getting the results you expected? We recommend, therefore, trying with homemade masks, specifically with the oatmeal mask for acne that is usually very effective for skin care. Read the rest of this entry »
10 Tips to clear acne
Acne is a condition that often worrisome to many of us. The appearance of grain has different triggers, and so it is often the appearance of this skin problem without know exactly why it generates. We bring you 10 tips to eliminate acne that are closely linked with some of the most common causes of this condition. Read the rest of this entry »