Posts Tagged ‘skin conditions’

Dermatologists Warn About Sun Exposure In Winter

21 Nov

sun exposureThe contrasts in moisture and temperature, fueled in winter, contribute significantly to damage our skin in this season.

Fortunately the Spanish each year capture more the message that dermatologists have endeavored to convey: that unprotected sun exposure is dangerous and significantly increases the risk of melanoma, one of the most aggressive tumors if not caught early. Read the rest of this entry »


Stress is reflected in the skin

21 Nov

Stress Stress is the body’s natural response to situations that threaten it that affects the emotional and physical. It is a way to keep alert to the body. Although stress has a positive role in humans, which is to create a state of attention and prompt response to adversity, to experience a sustained and intense Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Skin Care