Stretch mark is probably a most typical issue discovered in women and if you’re facing such issues then no require to worry. Stretch marks happen on your skin because of the a series of reasons, pregnancy and weight loss or gain is one of the major issues you might face. Our skin stiff and contracted and responds quickly to gain or loss the weight. The excessive stretching and contracting of a skin, unwanted scars and other skin problems appear on the skin. The color of these scars is various and it gives your skin an uncomfortable appearance. These stretch marks also start appearing on your skin when you get older. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘skin problem’
Remedies anti-pimples. Forbidden foods
The best option in a skin problem is to prevent and stop it from happening, therefore, to have smooth skin free of acne and pimples one of the most important things we must avoid is taking certain foods with high concentration of fat that will direct to our skin. So if you want to remove those blackheads so annoying that spoil your face first things you do is watching your diet and avoid taking: Read the rest of this entry »
Albinism: Another skin problem
The skin contains a number of pigment cells called melanocytes, and the color of it does not depend on numbers but on how they work.
The color of the skin has a protective function because melanin absorbs ultraviolet light, which although necessary, in excessive amounts is harmful.
This condition determines and allows different races living in their home, for Read the rest of this entry »