Sure you’ve always wanted to be good looking and the first thing you notice is the state of your skin. To know that you have to apply products to moisturize your skin or makeup, you must first know your skin type. Once you know what type of skin you have, you know that you can apply treatments to keep it as nice as possible and thus the envy of the world. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘skin type’
I know my skin type
Before treatment knowing your skin type
Whether in a spa, a beauty salon or in the comfort of your home, it is important to understand what your skin type. This way you can avoid allergies and other problems arising from the misuse of the various products for skin care. Read the rest of this entry »
Enemies of your skin
Our precious skin has many enemies. These attackers constantly attack causing wrinkles, lines, spots and others. Meet some of their more powerful enemies and protect your skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Simple tips for healthy facial skin
Maintaining a healthy and fresh skin is not really too difficult. These are mainly to be consistent in some basic steps and simple to maintain nutrition of the skin in optimum condition. Consider these simple tips for healthy facial skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Caring for Sensitive Skin
Fragile-looking, uneven texture, and prone to dryness and submit changes (such as pimples, redness, broken capillaries and desquamation), sensitive skin is more prone to react to numerous stimuli.
Among the main causes of this skin type can include genetic predisposition, internal factors (such as poor diet or stress) and external factors (pollution, medications, beauty treatments, etc.) Read the rest of this entry »
Facial Cleansing
Whatever the skin type, daily cleaning is essential to the effectiveness of any treatment as a clean skin is more receptive to cosmetic products.
Facial cleansing is essential whether it is used as makeup goes with your face washed, at night to remove all traces of makeup and pollution that have accumulated on the skin throughout the day and Read the rest of this entry »
Keys To The Skin Care
You never felt disoriented to the many proposals offered by the market cosmetic? Because how do you know which ones to use and what to do without? Well today is no need to spend a fortune to look after properly. In fact, cleansing and moisturizing are the magic words that are enough to keep skin nourished and young, and it is enough to pay attention to a number of commodities should not miss in our toilet.
A good cleanser, an eye makeup remover, moisturizer, a scrub, mask, cream around the eyes, sunscreen and hand cream are the basic products to keep our skin in Read the rest of this entry »
Stress is reflected in the skin
Stress is the body’s natural response to situations that threaten it that affects the emotional and physical. It is a way to keep alert to the body. Although stress has a positive role in humans, which is to create a state of attention and prompt response to adversity, to experience a sustained and intense Read the rest of this entry »
Skin in Different Age
After a long day, you deserve the break. And you know that when you sleep well, your face is the main reflection the next morning. And is that while you rest, your skin does too.
16 – 20 years
In the evening, wash with water (initially warm, then cold) with a mild soap and water. Wipe dry. Then apply a nourishing cream Read the rest of this entry »
Five enemies of the face skin (III)
Following this series in which we have focused on the care of the skin of our face, now we’ll see the next enemy we face in achieving the beauty, naturalness and freshness of our skin.
Enemy 3: Lack of cleanliness
While this series we’re devoting to the skin of the face, the fact is that all our skin needs to maintain proper hygiene and health Read the rest of this entry »