At present, massage veins and found different techniques for different body sites. Are relaxing decontracting, sports and many more, but in this case we will speak of those who work with skin and care, such as herbal massage. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘stress’
Take care of your skin and mind with herbal massage
Stress affects the skin
Stress is one of the evils that most affects our health these days. Among the concerns and obligations of everyday life, we find it increasingly more difficult to disconnect from our routine and escape from stress. Read the rest of this entry »
Tips to manage stress and relax
Stress can not be eliminated but can be controlled. There are many ways to do these are some of them:
1 – Massage
The massages relax and improve circulation among other benefits. Take a few minutes of your day to make you a little massage, if you can go to a professional. If you have time you can massage your head and slightly just your face. Read the rest of this entry »
Stress enemy of beauty
Stress is normal and common but is also the cause of many problems both emotional, psychological, and your figure and skin. Stress is one of the greatest enemies of beauty. Read the rest of this entry »
Enemies of your skin
Our precious skin has many enemies. These attackers constantly attack causing wrinkles, lines, spots and others. Meet some of their more powerful enemies and protect your skin. Read the rest of this entry »
How to cure acne
The acne is a skin condition that occurs from an overproduction of skin oils. Almost always be recognized because the skin becomes inflamed creating “hillocks” ugly and red usually appear during adolescence, although sometimes it still suffers from an adult. Read the rest of this entry »
Aging habits
The passage of time can not be stopped, but slow … or expedited. There are a few ordinary habits which, believe it or not, you add many more years than you have. For example, did not sleep well accelerate aging? Or that drinking sherbet often favors the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth? Read the rest of this entry »
I did not know about aging
Does stress cause graying? Are more expensive antiaging creams are best? Should we sleep on their backs to avoid wrinkles on your face? These and many more questions abound regarding the process of aging.
Like I always say in here, the passage of time can not be stopped but slow. Get ready to face knowing what to tell you continuation it may be that there are many things you did not know about aging. Read the rest of this entry »
Risk factors for skin
Learn how external agents acting on your skin
The surface of the skin is composed of dead cells that act as a barrier and protect tissues from injury and infection. There are a number of external agents that modify this protection and eventually cause deterioration in the skin that can cause discomfort, affect our health and finally, give a dull appearance that certainly all want to avoid. Read the rest of this entry »