It is important to know which the dark circles are. Dark circles are alterations of the skin under the eyes of a darker color than normal. They do not have any medical problems and give the feeling that they have tired eyes. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘stress’
Eliminates dark circles
Premature skin aging
What is it?
Premature aging is driven by a cluster of attacks that damage our bodies ahead of schedule. They can be internal factors, external conditions, or genetic-that is, poor eating habits, use of snuff , stress, pollution or excessive exposure to sun-, (link to photoprotection according to skin type) but the result is the same: a clear wear our body that may be visible in facial features or skin. Sever the face, neck, décolleté and hands are the parts that are most affected because they are unprotected throughout the year. Read the rest of this entry »
Beauty Treatments Algae-based
It is clear that beauty treatments are extensive, there are endless using creams, food, machines … But what is currently fashionable beauty treatment is based on seaweed.
There are a variety of algae, which due to its properties and nutrients can help improve different areas of our body and improve your mood. We can Read the rest of this entry »
Stress is reflected in the skin
Stress is the body’s natural response to situations that threaten it that affects the emotional and physical. It is a way to keep alert to the body. Although stress has a positive role in humans, which is to create a state of attention and prompt response to adversity, to experience a sustained and intense Read the rest of this entry »
Stress is the Enemy of Beauty
Stress is normal and common but it is also the cause of many conflicts, both emotional, psychological, and your figure and skin. Stress is one of the greatest enemies of beauty.
Stress and Beauty
Stress affects the skin and hair at the time because Read the rest of this entry »
Facial massage to restore the smoothness
Who has not had one of those days when you notice your skin is worse than ever because of stress? At such times all think how well we come one afternoon in a luxury spa to relieve stress and returning to our face the beauty and serenity that has been lost.
Well, stop dreaming of expensive sites, you can return it to your skin that looks smooth and relaxed Read the rest of this entry »