Posts Tagged ‘winter’

Natural remedies for skin care in winter

29 Mar

Natural remediesThere is no doubt that winter is one of the stations mostly dry skin and joins the accompaniment of time creating a situation that urgently corrected.

The problem for many starts when you begin to see wrinkles on the face and this is the time required to improve the “envelope” in other words, the skin. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Natural Skin Care


Caring for babies skin in winter

29 Mar

Caring for babies Nothing is more soft and fragile in the world than a baby’s skin, so protect it carefully from the adverse effects of sun, heat, cold and other external factors.

During winter babies dermis loses moisture and dries easily, especially in areas exposed to the environment, such as the face and lips. The rest of the body is usually well covered with clothes or wrapped in blankets, so there is no greater risk, but if you see your little one has some red areas or feeling itchy, then acts, and prevent it from scratch and generate more irritation, injury or infection. Do not forget that the skin is a welcome door to germs and bacteria. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Skin Care


As the winter affects our hands

21 Mar

winter affectsWeather conditions cause degeneration, the texture of the skin. The best defense is to isolate it from the outside by clothes, but in the hands is not always possible. These are one of the more body parts that we must protect if we keep our hands nice and soft, to achieve this we need to use adequate protective creams and nutrition, not to mention nails. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Beauty Care


Did the winter? Beauty Tips for a luminous body

23 Aug

winter Our skin adapts to the changes, as long as the care lavished appropriate and necessary. In winter, the cold wind is responsible for subtracting moisture and even our hair and nails “suffer” with this decrease in temperature in the room. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Beauty Care


Dermatologists Warn About Sun Exposure In Winter

21 Nov

sun exposureThe contrasts in moisture and temperature, fueled in winter, contribute significantly to damage our skin in this season.

Fortunately the Spanish each year capture more the message that dermatologists have endeavored to convey: that unprotected sun exposure is dangerous and significantly increases the risk of melanoma, one of the most aggressive tumors if not caught early. Read the rest of this entry »